NerdBurger 027 - Fire-Breathing Santa Cow

On this week's show the guys are joined by Craig's real-live brother Curt to make some corrections, talk music, peruse Curt's vinyl collection, revisit the World's Largest Trivia Contest, and learn all about the Peshtigo Fire! MoooOOOOO!!!

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Check out the Bone Eeeevare SNL video Curt brought to our attention, over there --->

The World's Largest Trivia Contest in Stevens Point, WI doesn't begin until April, but you'll want to start preparing soon.

Many fires were started on October 8, 1871, but only one jumped a freakin' bay! You go, Peshti... um, go!

This week's alternate episode titles were:

  • Thinking About Saaaasage
  • Low End Podcast
  • Aaaaand, SCENE