This week JD returns to talk freelancing, where best to (not) inject drugs (your eyes), Breaking Bad, Buttwater & Tubgirl, obscure (and not) TV shows from the '70s & '80s (and other decades), and Craig teaches us Facts About the Earth!
As freaking awesomely perfect as the end of Breaking Bad is turning out to be, are you feeling like you'll still be left wanting more? Well, pick up the phone because you'd Better Call Saul!
BUTTWATER! BUTTWATER! BUTTWATER! And if, unlike Craig, you can tolerate waiting for an ad before watching a video online, we present to you Buttwater: with commentary.
I'm not linking to Tubgirl. Google it. But do check out the photos of the cake someone made. That shit is um... frosting? Maybe fondant.
Want to learn even more unbelievable facts about the Earth? Or get more info about this supposed "meteorite" that allegedly skipped across the atmosphere? Uh-uh, suuuuuuure. You go, scientists. You guys and your "theories", jeeeeeeez.
If you fancy yourself good at the math, email the show with your calculation of how many humans are added to the planet every day. We dare you. Then we double-dare you. Then we double-dog-dare you. Then, in a breach of etiquette, we... you know how this goes.
Cobra Kai would've left Daniel alone if he wore this.
This week's alternate episode titles were:
- Depeche Monkeys
- Resting State
- Buttwater & Tubgirl