NerdBurger 005 - Autoerotic Ass-fix´-ē-ā'-shun

This week the Dorky Duo ship their pants, make sense of game show probabilities, talk movies, TV, and internet "TV" (<--- dick fingers), Mike ruins Zombieland for those who haven't seen it (SPOILER), and Craig learns about Facebook Home.

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Ship My Pants

Kmart purchased Sears in 2005 and formed Sears Holdings Corporation, which also owns Lands End of Dodgeville, WI! We should've mentioned that on the show. Bad Cheeseheads, very bad Cheeseheads. 

Want to ship your pants too? Can't find what you're looking for in store, a sales associate can find it on and ship it to you for free! #ShipMyPants

Some of these new Amazon pilots might be good, but we haven't seen any yet.

Hey MOFO! Are you a FOMO

 Om Malik's diatribe (with which we completely agree!) on Facebook Home. Put that in your timeline and smoke it.

This week's alternate episode title was:

  • Using the Flaccid Dick-Fingers